7 Reasons to Own the Website for Your Business: Dogma Studio

7 Reasons to Own the Website for Your Business: Dogma Studio
graphic design 
digital design

It’s time to go digital. We listed 7 reasons to own the website for your business. Before we start, let’s establish one thing: the world is digital and never going back from that. Now is the best time to enter your business into the worldwide web. You are in good hands as Dogma Studio will handle the hassle for you. 

So let’s dig in – 7 reasons why you need to be the owner of the platform where you are making your business come true: 

  1. First of all, a business website will increase your sales market by 93%. You read that correctly- 93%! Without a website, you are losing way too many potential clients that look for your services online.  
  2. A website creates a professional image of your business. According to a survey by Weebly, 56% of people prefer a company with a website, as they find it more trustworthy. Can you afford to lose almost half of the customer’s trust because you don’t have a professional website? 
  3. Social media platforms are not a good substitute for a business website. How come, you may ask, as social media companies advertise opposite infirmation. Well, platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok are great for communication with your audience, but what will happen to your business if those platforms stop working? How will your clients find you? Where are you going to advertise your products and services? What’s going to happen to your client base? If you can’t answer these questions, it’s time to own a digital space for your business. 
  4. Website is an investment into your business. Once you have a website, you will have it forever. You can use it for sales, advertisement, blogging, awareness, or any other reason you may think of, but it will always be yours, and it will keep working for you forever. Do you know any investment that will bring your business to the top of search results? Well, now you do. 
  5. Together with that, the website will keep all your queries organized. Imagine not having to dig through tons of social media messages. The website will provide a custom contact form and deliver messages straight to your business email box. Your customers will be able to find answers to most of their questions without direct contact, and you will save expensive time. 
  6. Moreover, branding is easier with a website. Especially, a professional website that will become the face of your business. It will provide a character and a tone of voice that you can’t achieve via social media, and you will have total freedom to develop your brands in the exact way you always wanted. 
  7. Last but not least- your website is a digital marketing opportunity. You can use many digital marketing techniques when working with a website: from designed landing pages, content marketing to a video advertisement. 

You see now that it’s time to go digital. It might be a little scary and overwhelming at first, but no worries- we got you! All you need to do is fill the quote form down below, and let’s bring that awesome business of yours into the digital world together with Dogma Studio